For a party or family become-together, there is nothing quite equally much fun as playing a game of "Would Y'all Rather." This article provides lists of "Would You Rather" questions for many occasions and different group compositions. We have besides included funny and challenging "Would Y'all Rather" questions. Included are some of the all-time "Would You Rather" questions available.

Table of Contents

  • i Play "Would You Rather" Online
      • 1.0.1 Play Would You Rather Online
  • 2 "Would You Rather" Entertainment Questions
  • 3 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions
  • iv "Would You Rather" Questions for Kids
  • 5 "Would You Rather Questions" for Teenagers
  • six "Would You Rather Questions" for Couples
  • 7 Would You Rather Questions for Adults
    • seven.ane Best Would You Rather Questions
    • seven.2 Adept Would You lot Rather Questions
  • 8 Challenging "Would You Rather" Questions
    • 8.1 Hard Would You Rather Questions
  • 9 Would You Rather Questions about Employment
    • nine.1 Related Posts

Play "Would Yous Rather" Online

"Would You lot Rather" Amusement Questions

A horror movie entitled Would Your Rather (2013) pitted players hoping to win a large corporeality of coin against each other. The questions became more and more sadistic, resulting in the deaths of those playing. Our collection of Would Yous Rather Amusement Questions lists "Would Y'all Rather movie questions, television questions, and many other forms of entertainment. Don't worry – none of them are harmful!

  • Would you rather be a character in the movie Gone with the Wind or The Sorcerer of Oz?
  • Would you rather make a picture show of your life before yous were twenty-one or a film of your life subsequently the historic period of 20-one?
  • Would you lot rather exist an actor/actress in a movie or in a television show?
  • Would y'all rather be an actor/extra in a comedy or in a drama?
  • Would you rather do your own stunts in an activeness movie, or have a stunt person do them?
  • Would y'all rather play a villain or a hero in a motion picture?
  • Would you rather be on a game show or star in a lather opera?
  • Would you rather be a stand-up comedian or a concert pianist?
  • Would you rather be a famous moving-picture show star or a member of your favorite pop music group?
  • Would y'all rather win an Olympic Gold Medal or an Academy Laurels?
  • Would you lot rather be famous for your dancing or famous for your singing?

Funny "Would You Rather" Questions

Funny Would You Rather Questions

Some "Would You Rather Questions" are only plain funny. These questions work well for schoolhouse and camp groups, or anytime you want to have fun.

  1. Would you rather eat a small tin of cat food or consume two rotten tomatoes?
  2. Would you rather be completely baldheaded or covered from head to toe with hair?
  3. Would y'all rather always have to skip everywhere or run everywhere?
  4. Would yous rather have hands instead of feet or feet instead of hands?
  5. Would y'all rather have a horse's tail or a unicorn horn?
  6. Would you rather hold a ophidian or osculation a jellyfish?
  7. Would you rather e'er scent rotten meat or ever smell skunk?
  8. Would you rather have a pig nose or a monkey face?
  9. Would you rather surf in shark-infested waters or jump gratis fall with a parachute into the Grand Coulee?
  10. Would yous rather sit with a resting lion for ten minutes or run beyond a hungry alligator's back?
  11. Would you rather take your grandmother's hairstyle or starting time name?
  12. Would you lot rather drink all your food from a baby canteen or wear visible diapers for the rest of your life?
  13. Would you lot rather always talk in rhymes or sing instead of speak?
  14. Would you rather endure from spontaneous shouting or unpredictable fainting spells?
  15. Would you rather clothing clown makeup every twenty-four hours for a twelvemonth or wear a tutu every day for a year?
  16. Would you lot rather non be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?
  17. Would y'all rather e'er have a booger in your nose that moves when you breathe in and out or a piece of food stuck between your two front end teeth?
  18. Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dingy and night or i that has a snake in it?

"Would Y'all Rather" Questions for Kids

Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Kids honey "Would Yous Rather Questions" because they appeal to their sense of take a chance and are silly. Beware! Some of the following questions may seem repulsive and inappropriate if you are an adult.

  1. Would you rather get caught eating a booger or scratching your privates?
  2. Would you rather play video games or play outside?
  3. Would you rather have an unlimited amount of chips or candy?
  4. Would y'all rather have cookies or block?
  5. Would you rather swallow tacos or pizza?
  6. Would you rather to never eat your favorite nutrient the remainder of your life or only be immune to eat your favorite nutrient for the balance of your life?
  7. Would y'all rather be a police force officeholder or fire fighter?
  8. Would you lot rather never take to brush your teeth again or never accept to accept a bath or shower again?
  9. Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or consume your boogers?
  10. Would yous rather swallow a expressionless bug or a live worm?
  11. Would you rather get skilful grades or be practiced at sports?
  12. Would you rather go to the school simply for 4 months in the winter and have the residue of the year off or become to school in the summer and accept the rest of the yr off?
  13. Would you rather exist the most intelligent kid in school and make crawly grades or be the most popular child in schoolhouse and make poor grades?
  14. Would you lot rather set the table earlier dinner or make clean up later dinner?
  15. Would you rather get up very early on or stay upwards very late?
  16. Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of mud?
  17. Would you rather have a canis familiaris as a pet or a cat as a pet?
  18. Would y'all rather have v stitches to prepare a bad cut or have a tooth pulled?
  19. Would you lot rather play inside all 24-hour interval or play exterior all mean solar day?
  20. Would you rather sneeze cheese or have your tears be chocolate flavored?
  21. Would you rather have 500 spiders in your bedroom or 1000 grasshoppers in the rest of the house?
  22. Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
  23. Would you rather lie to your parents or prevarication to your best friend?
  24. Would you rather eat two tablespoons full of liquid soap or drink a glass full of liquid i tablespoon in water?

"Would You Rather Questions" for Teenagers

Would You Rather Questions for Teenagers

Teenagers sometimes consider games to exist childish or stupid. However, "Would You Rather" keeps them interested and entertained. Endeavour our questions at any function with teens or at a teen party.

  • Would you rather non utilize your computer for a month or not eat junk food for a month?
  • Would y'all rather live in Narnia or get to school at Hogwarts?
  • Would y'all rather have only 2 close friends or many acquaintances?
  • Would yous rather be known as the best student in your school or exist the captain of 1 of the sport teams?
  • Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or trip the light fantastic toe everywhere yous went?
  • Would you rather be the star basketball game player on your schoolhouse'due south losing team or sit on the bench all season with your school's winning team?
  • Would y'all rather salvage your country from an invasion or from a terrible disease?
  • Would you rather accept bad breath and body smell the entire day or be completely naked?
  • Would y'all rather all of the members of the opposite sex liked you or have the prettiest (just impaired) daughter in school as a girlfriend?
  • Would you lot rather exist very short or extremely tall?
  • Would y'all rather have overly large easily or very pocket-size feet?
  • Would you lot rather eat a small can of dog food or six overripe bananas?
  • Would you rather have to eat a basin full of worms or a alive frog?
  • Would you rather alive without your phone for two weeks or your computer for a month?
  • Would you lot rather be the teacher at your school or the janitor?
  • Would you rather be invisible or be able to wing?
  • Would you rather lose your power to speak or have to say everything you are thinking?
  • Would you lot rather live on a establish or beneath the sea?
  • Would you lot rather have to listen to music all of the fourth dimension or not be able to heed to music at all?
  • Would you rather accept live one hundred years in the future or i hundred years in the past?
  • Would you rather be the best role player on a losing squad or the worst role player on a winning team?
  • Would yous rather have extremely small-scale freakishly eyes or an extremely large nose?
  • Would you rather have friends that are smarter than you or friends that are be much better looking than you?
  • Would you lot rather give a speech to the whole school, including teachers, for 30 minutes or piece of work in the school deli for a semester?

"Would You Rather Questions" for Couples

Would You Rather Questions for Couples

Our pick of "Would You Rather Questions" for couples works well for holiday and other parties. Information technology is fun to see how much couples concord or disagree on various questions and topics.

  • Would you rather break up with someone or have someone break upwardly with you?
  • Would yous rather be handsome/beautiful and marry an ugly person or exist ugly and marry a handsome/beautiful person?
  • Would you rather marry someone who does not beloved y'all or ally someone you do not dearest?
  • Would yous rather marry someone who is extremely attractive or be extremely attractive yourself?
  • Would yous rather take your first child when you are eighteen years one-time or when you are forty years old?
  • Would you rather alive a long life in poverty or a brusk life with wealth?
  • Would you rather accept everyone know about your personal finances or know the details of your romantic life?
  • Would you rather marry someone very rich or someone who is very handsome/cute?
  • Would you rather only have one child of your own or adopt as many children as you wish?
  • Would you lot rather have a cute sporty motorcar and an onetime house or a real "clunker" car and a beautiful house?
  • Would you rather save someone's life or have a bucket full of gold?
  • Would you rather exist poor and attractive or rich and ugly?
  • Would y'all rather fly all over the world with your true love or be marooned on an island with your favorite celebrity?
  • Would you rather exist locked within an old building with your boyfriend/girlfriend or inside an amusement park with a celebrity?
  • Would you rather marry someone who has lots of money or someone with a skillful heart?
  • Would you rather stay up all night helping an irritating family member with a problem or babysit a babe that will not stop crying?
  • Would you rather be able to dress in designer clothes or buy everything yous desire at a discount store?
  • Would you rather get everything you want materially or discover your true love?
  • Would you lot rather date someone who is x years older or someone 10 years younger?
  • Would yous rather have an arranged marriage or spend the rest of your life single?
  • Would y'all rather have disappointing sexual practice every night for a full year or peachy sex for one night?
  • Would you rather live out in the country or in the metropolis?
  • Would you rather unknown and rich or exist famous and poor?
  • Would y'all rather take your holiday at an exotic resort or go camping?
  • Would you rather babe sit crying infant triplets for six hours or become without nutrient and water for 24 hours?

Would You Rather Questions for Adults

Would You Rather Questions for Adults

Adults face decisions every day. Many involve deciding between two choices. That is exactly what this ready of "Would You Rather Questions" for adults calls upon participators to exercise. Some of these questions are fun, some challenging, and some serve as skilful icebreakers. Use them whatever time you take adults get together for fun and to notice out more about each other.

  • Would you rather travel 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past?
  • Would you rather spend 2 months living in a nursing home or two months in jail?
  • Would you rather have a bee sting you on the face, or hold a snake?
  • Would you rather wearable a bathing arrange or wear formal attire everywhere you go for the side by side ii weeks?
  • Would you rather borrow $10,000 from your parents or borrow $1000 from your friends?
  • Would you rather live effectually a noisy neighbor or a barking canis familiaris?
  • Would y'all rather win a million dollars in the lottery or never accept to buy annihilation for yourself always again?
  • Would you rather be bitten past a toxicant snake or a poison spider?
  • Would you rather be famous and remembered with hatred or unknown and forgotten?
  • Would you lot rather exist a doctor or a nurse?
  • Would you rather be a chef or a server?
  • Would you lot rather stay forever at your current age or be 10 years younger?
  • Would you rather be very strong or exist able to run very fast?
  • Would you lot rather ain your own boat or your own isle?
  • Would you rather spend one year sailing around the earth or one year living in your foreign favorite country?
  • Would you rather take a trip down the Amazon River or walk the Not bad Wall of Red china?
  • Would yous rather run across your favorite pic star or the President of the Us?
  • Would you rather be a rabbit or a fob?
  • Would you rather go skiing in the winter or to the beach in the summer?
  • Would you rather lose your sense of aroma or your taste?
  • Would you rather raise chickens for eggs or beefiness for meat?
  • Would you rather live on a houseboat or in a cabin in the mountains?
  • Would you rather always take your favorite song stuck in your caput forever or ever dream the same thing at night?

Best Would You Rather Questions

  • Would you lot rather accept hair that is ever straight or hair that is super curly?
  • Would yous rather develop a paralyzing fearfulness of heights or exist afraid of water?
  • Would you rather have everyone know the details of your finances or the details of your beloved life?
  • Would you rather accept the ability to read other people'due south heed or the ability to see into the future?
  • Would you rather be able to sing like diva or be able to play the guitar similar a rock star?
  • Would you rather live as a vegan for a month or but exist able to eat meat and dairy for a month?
  • Would you rather have all of your emails for the next two months made public or take your text messages read by everyone?
  • Would you lot rather take to shout everything you say or whisper everything you say?
  • Would y'all rather be a giant mouse or a tiny elephant?
  • Would yous rather never consume your favorite nutrient for the balance of your life, or only be able to eat your favorite food?
  • Would you rather be a tiny person no taller than a few inches or a giant person over 9 feet alpine?
  • Would you lot rather exist stranded on an island with someone yous hate or stranded on an island alone?
  • Would yous rather forget who y'all are or non know who anybody else is?
  • Would you rather let it go or get even?
  • Would yous rather never be able to say what is on your mind or ever accept to speak the truth?
  • Would you lot rather never play or ever lose?
  • Would yous rather be the circus person who puts their head in the lion's oral fissure or the clown that is shot out of a cannon?
  • Would you lot rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?
  • Would y'all rather wear an overcoat to bed every night or slumber with shoes and socks on every nighttime?
  • Would you rather take hail rocks or rain arrows?
  • Would y'all rather have a noisy neighbor or a nosy neighbor?
  • Would you rather have the power to run into x years into your own future or six months into the future of the earth?

Good Would You Rather Questions

  • Would you lot rather be famous for being extremely intelligent or for being good looking?
  • Would yous rather parent ten children who are well-behaved angels or parent one child who is totally out of control?
  • Would you rather go to your twenty-year grade reunion and nobody recall who you are or have everybody comment on how old you look?
  • Would you lot rather alive life in a pocket-sized submarine at the bottom of the sea or in a small-scale space capsule in outer infinite?
  • Would you rather lose your keys (all of them – house and car) or lose your telephone?
  • Would y'all rather win one million dollars today or ten one thousand thousand dollars in ten years?
  • Would yous rather have your body historic period or your face age?
  • Would you rather spend every minute the balance of your life outside or inside?
  • Would you lot rather have the power to make anyone autumn in love with yous or be able to read minds?
  • Would you lot rather go dorsum in time and prevent the Titanic from sinking or forestall the 1929 stock market crash?
  • Would you rather live in a domicile with no electricity or in a dwelling house with no running water?
  • Would you rather have to crawl everywhere or run everywhere?
  • Would you rather wear a greatcoat for a month everywhere with no caption or habiliment an center patch everywhere for a month?
  • Would you rather launder the laundry or fold and put away the laundry?
  • Would you rather be able to live nether water or live in outer space?
  • Would you rather accept the power to stop state of war in the earth or the power to end poverty?
  • Would you rather be able to sleep as late as you lot wish or be able to stay up as belatedly as you similar?
  • Would yous rather take a dinosaur every bit a pet or a unicorn?
  • Would you rather have a submarine or a space shuttle?
  • Would y'all rather be able to fly everywhere you want or exist invisible?
  • Would yous rather swallow whatever flavor of ice cream you wish for one calendar week of summer or only vanilla-flavored ice cream for an entire summertime?

Challenging "Would Y'all Rather" Questions

Some "Would Yous Rather" questions take some serious consideration because the choices are not piece of cake. Our drove of difficult "Would You Rather" questions is guaranteed to crusade some soul-searching and possible debate.

  • Would you rather be an adept at everything or have all knowledge?
  • Would you rather accept a paid for luxury two-bedroom apartment in a big urban center of your choice or a gratis mansion in the country of the state or country where yous alive currently?
  • Would y'all rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or five meg dollars?
  • Would you rather travel 100 years in the past or 100 years in the futurity?
  • Would y'all rather get to jail for a twelvemonth or exist homeless for a year?
  • Would yous rather alive with someone you hate or live completely lone?
  • Would yous rather be rich with no friends or poor with lots of practiced friends?
  • Would y'all rather exist on an airplane betwixt two arguing passengers or next to a screaming infant?
  • Would you rather save the life of an elderly family member or the life of a child to whom you lot are not related?
  • Would you rather never touch an electronic device again or never bear on a human again?
  • Would you rather take a terrible short-term retentiveness or forget everything bad that ever happened to you?
  • Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted ten years from at present?
  • Would y'all rather be homeless and have family and friends or live comfortably but entirely alone?
  • Would you rather spend a year in a psychiatric hospital or a twelvemonth in jail?
  • Would y'all rather spend a week afloat at sea in a life raft or spend one month in the coldest identify on globe?
  • Would y'all rather share a toothbrush with a random stranger or kiss a random stranger on the mouth?
  • Would you rather exist able to eat every bit much as yous want and never gain weight or feel refreshed and well rested later on merely three hours of sleep each night?
  • Would you lot rather be completely alone for 5 years or never lone for v years?
  • Would you rather lose you sense of sense of taste or your sense of smell?
  • Would you rather not be able to read or not exist able to write?
  • Would you rather have to eat merely warm food or have to consume only cold nutrient?
  • Would you lot rather spend 48 direct hours in a public restroom or the same amount of time in a morgue?
  • Would you rather live in a place where information technology is always cold or in a place that is e'er hot?
  • Would y'all rather exist 4'2″ or 8'ii″?

Hard Would You lot Rather Questions

  • Would y'all rather exist short and physically fit or tall and fat?
  • Would you rather exercise regularly or eat a healthy diet?
  • Would y'all rather lose half your hearing or one-half your seeing?
  • Would you rather be rich and lonely or be poor and find true love?
  • Would yous rather have a constant itch or exist in constant hurting?
  • Would you rather become through life unable to ask whatever questions or unable to answer any questions?
  • Would y'all rather become without the internet or your phone for a month?
  • Would you rather exist slap-up at math or an astonishing writer?
  • Would you lot rather only be able to bound everywhere you go or but be able to skip everywhere you become?
  • Would you rather be able leap incredibly high or run incredibly fast?
  • Would you lot rather accept no sense of odour or olfactory property everything around you with extra ability?
  • Would y'all rather be blind the rest of your life or mute the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather look strong and be weak or look weak and be strong?
  • Would you lot rather have a third centre or a third ear?
  • Would you rather be as alpine every bit you are broad or as broad as you are tall?
  • Would you rather age merely from the cervix up or only from the cervix downward?
  • Would you rather have a very muscular lower body and a normal upper trunk, or a muscular upper torso but a very skinny lower body?
  • Would you rather be a moron in a world of geniuses or a genius in a globe of morons?
  • Would yous rather have $i,000,000 now or $v,000 a week for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather listen to songs y'all have no control over 24 hours a mean solar day for a twelvemonth or listen to your favorite song 24 hours a day for a yr?

Would You Rather Questions nearly Employment

Nigh every adult works and "Would You Rather" employment questions cause individuals to think about their jobs and speculate what is most of import to them. Utilize ane every bit an opener for a weekly meeting for fun.

  • Would y'all rather be rich working a chore you hate or poor working a chore y'all honey?
  • Would you rather be the boss or the employee?
  • Would you rather accept a job that requires very little work merely it boring or piece of work very hard at an interesting job?
  • Would you rather work the chore you have at present for a twelvemonth at double your current charge per unit of pay or take one year off with what you are making now?
  • Would y'all rather take a one calendar month paid vacation or not have to pay taxes on your income for a year?
  • Would you rather take a year off at full pay or work your current job for the side by side year at double your bacon?
  • Would you rather have a job that impacts your guild or the world and make very petty money or become famous for something lilliputian and have a cracking bargain of coin?
  • Would you desire to stay the age yous are physically forever or stay the way you are at present financially forever?
  • Would you rather stand up all day at work or sit all day at piece of work?

"Would You Rather" questions provide a fun time for every age, occasion, and event. Once you lot begin playing, y'all will find yourself thinking of your ain fun and challenging questions to ask your friends and family unit. "Would you rather . . . ?