Ax Me No Question I Tell You No Lies If You Ax Me Again I Spit in Your Eyes

Anastasia is a 1997 film nigh the daughter of the final Russian czar. Rasputin puts a curse on the Romanov line and kills everyone merely Anastasia. She loses her memories and ten years later sets out to find her family; in the process, she is institute by two Russian con-men, Dimitri and Vladimir, who seek the reward that her grandmother Marie promised to the ones who'll find her. Only Rasputin rises from the grave to make certain she is never reunited with her grandmother.

Directed past Don Bluth and Gary Goldman. Written past Susan Gauthier and Bruce Graham.

Discover the Chance Backside the Greatest Mystery of All Time (taglines)

Dowager Empress Marie [edit]

  • [First lines] [Narrating] At that place was a time, non very long ago, when nosotros lived in an enchanted earth of elegant palaces and grand parties. The year was 1916 and my son, Nicholas, was the Czar of Imperial Russian federation. Nosotros were celebrating the 300th anniversary of our family'due south rule. And, that night, no star burned brighter than that of our sweet Anastasia, my youngest granddaughter. She begged me non to return to Paris, so I had a very special souvenir fabricated for her, to make the separation easier - for both of the states.
  • [Narrating] But we would never be together in Paris, for a dark shadow had descended upon the house of the Romanovs. His name was Rasputin. We thought he was a holy human, but he was a fraud; power-mad and dangerous.
  • [Narrating] Consumed past his hatred for Nicholas and his family, Rasputin sold his soul for the ability to destroy them.
  • [Narrating] From that moment on, the spark of unhappiness in our country was fanned into a flame that would soon destroy our lives forever.
  • [Narrating] So many lives were destroyed that night. What had always been was now gone forever. And my Anastasia, my honey grandchild... I never saw her once more.
  • My heart can't take it anymore! I will see no more girls challenge to be Anastasia. [She looks at the photo, of young Anastasia, on the desk-bound and places it face down.]
  • Dimitri, I've heard of you lot. You lot're that con man from St. Petersburg, who was property auditions to detect an Anastasia look-a-like.
  • Knowing that y'all are alive, seeing the woman you lot accept become, brings me joy I never idea I could feel again.

Anastasia [edit]

  • Men are such babies!
  • [singing] Heart don't fail me now. Backbone don't desert me. Don't turn back now that nosotros're here. People always say life is full of choices, no 1 ever mentions fear. Or how the globe can seem so vast on a journey to the past.
  • It's similar a memory from a dream.
  • You bought me a... tent.
  • Please, don't talk anymore, okay? It's only gonna upset me.
  • Dimitri, do you lot really think I'chiliad royalty? [(Dimitri) You know I do] And then finish bossing me around!
  • [Steps on Rasputin'due south reliquary; each step cracks it even more than] THIS IS FOR DIMITRI! [(Rasputin) GIVE IT Dorsum!] THIS IS FOR MY FAMILY! [(Rasputin) I'LL TEAR You lot TO PIECES!] AND THIS, THIS IS FOR YOU! DASVINDANIYA! [Reliquary breaks completely]
  • [afterward waking up, flailing her arm and smacking Dimitri in the nose] Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone el - oh, information technology's you. Well, that'southward okay, then.
  • What? Hey - why are you circling me? What were you, a vulture in another life?
  • I am grateful - grateful to go away!

Dimitri [edit]

  • [After they escape from a delinquent train, uncoupled from the overheated train engine, coal tender, ruined baggage car, and separated dining car, coach, and observation car] I Hate trains! Remind me never to get on the train again.
  • [Struggles to uncouple the baggage car from the called-for locomotive] COME ON! I need a wrench - an ax! ANYTHING!
  • [Breaks a hammer while cut the train couplings between the engine's tender and luggage car] Come on! There's gotta be something in there ameliorate than this! [Anya hands him a dynamite] ...That'll work!
  • [After Anya hands him a dynamite stick and they hide behind boxes] What do they teach you in those orphanages? [The dynamite on the coupling betwixt the engine'southward tender and baggage explodes]
  • [Anya only saved him from falling off the baggage of the train] If nosotros live through this, remind me to thank you.
  • [singing as Jonathan Dokuchitz] It's the rumor, the fable, the mystery. Information technology's the Princess Anastasia who will aid us fly. You and I, friend, will go down in history. We'll find a girl to play the part and teach her what to say. Wearing apparel her up and accept her to Paris. Imagine the reward her dearest quondam grandmamma will pay. Who else could pull it off merely you lot and me?

Dialogue [edit]

[Grigori Rasputin crashes the celebration and Czar Nicholas 2 angrily confronts him]
Nicholas II: How dare yous return to the palace!
Rasputin: But...I am your confidant.
Nicholas Two: Confidant?! HA! You lot are a traitor! Become OUT!!
Rasputin: [Growing berserk] Y'all recollect you tin can banish the great Rasputin?! [He holds up his prized possession: a reliquary.] By the unholy powers vested in me, I blackball you with a expletive! [Everyone gasps in terror and horror.] Marking my words! Yous and your family volition die within a fortnight! I WILL Not Rest UNTIL I SEE THE End OF THE ROMANOV LINE FOREVER!!! [He shoots down a chandelier with his reliquary and it explodes.]

[Young Anastasia and Empress Marie are stuck in Anastasia's room. Young Dimitri enters from a secret door in a wall]
Dowager Empress Marie: [Equally she tries to take Young Anastasia out the main door] Please, bustle.
Young Dimitri: [Stops them and drags them to the secret door] Come this way! Out the servants quarters!
[Immature Anastasia accidently drops her music box as she's beingness forced in the door]
Dowager Empress Marie: [follows Anastasia] Bustle, Anastasia!
Bartok: [watches them escape from the bedroom window] Rasputin, she'south getting abroad!
Young Anastasia: [heads dorsum in the room] My music box!
Young Dimitri: [gently forces her back out the door] Go, go! [closes the door]

[Dimitri and Vladimir are holding auditions for girls to portray Anastasia]
Dimitri: Adjacent, delight.
Extra: [enters and speaks in a husky voice] Grandma, it'southward me, Anastasia. [sways hips]
[Vladimir drops his head on the table and begins to whimper]
Dimitri: [disgusted] Oh, brother.

[Dimitri circles around Anya, checking her trunk and physique to meet that she's identical to the "Real" Anastasia]
Anya: Hey, why are you circling me? Wha-- What were you lot, a vulture in another life?!
Dimitri: I'g sad, Enya. [Beckons Vladimir to come up up]
Anya: Information technology--It'southward "Anya".
Dimitri: Anya.
Anya: [Enunciating] An-ya.
Dimitri: It'south just--Information technology's simply that you look an awful lot like-- [Points to the Romanov Family Portrait; Anya looks at it, and Dimitri takes a quick look at her until she looks back at him] Uh...Never mind.

[Dimitri and Vladimir have explained to Anya well-nigh their plan, except for the money, and leave her to think about it]
Vladimir: Why didn't you lot tell her most our vivid plan?
Dimitri: All she wants to do is go to Paris. Why give away a 3rd of the reward money?
Vladimir: I'm telling y'all: we're walking away besides presently!
Dimitri: Not to worry. I've got it all... under command. [grabs Vlad] Alright, simply, walk a little slower. [They walk dull for a few seconds. Anya takes ane good look at the portrait of herself and Empress Marie and has a feeling] 3... Two... One.
Anya: Dimitri!
Dimitri: [softly] Yes!
Vladimir: [softly] Ha! Right in the palms of our hands.
Anya: Dimitri, await!
Dimitri: Did y'all call me?
Anya: If I don't think who I am, then who's to say I'g not a princess or a duchess or a whatever she is... Right?
Dimitri: Hmm... Go on.
Anya: And if I'k non Anastasia, the Empress will certainly know correct away... and information technology's all only an honest mistake.
Dimitri: Sounds plausible.
Vladimir: But if y'all are the princess, so yous'll finally know who you are and have your family back.
Dimitri: You know, you know he's correct! Either way, it gets yous to Paris.
Anya: Right! [gives Dimitri a solid shake; he grabs his hand in hurting]

[Bartok just ended up in Rasputin's section of Limbo]
Rasputin: WHO DARES INTRUDE ON MY Confinement?! [kicks a slab of stone with his foot] Get out! Get out! [squeezes Bartok very inappreciably with his hand, merely suddenly realizes who it is] Bartok? Is that you?
Bartok: Principal? Yous're alive?
Rasputin: [scoffs] In a mode of speaking. [his right eyeball falls out of its socket.]
Bartok: Whoa. That fell correct out there, sir.
Rasputin: Something has happened. [Rasputin pops it back in] I tin feel the dark forces stirring!
Bartok: I'thousand not surprised, considering I saw her, Anastasia!
Rasputin: Anastasia? Live?! [his mouth begins to sag through his bristles]
Bartok: Uh, sir, your lips, they're, um...
Rasputin: That Romanov brat!
Bartok: [adjusts Rasputin's lips to their rightful place] Yep, ain't that a kick in the head? I judge a curse simply ain't what information technology used to be, huh, sir?
Rasputin: That's why I'grand stuck here in Limbo! My curse is unfulfilled! [stretches out his arm with Bartok in his hand, his mitt flies of his arm and hits a wall. He sees this, gasps, and begins to sob] Look at me! I'm falling apart! [sobs] I'm a wreck!
Bartok: Actually, considering how long y'all've been dead, yous look pretty adept! [Rasputin sadly scoffs] Sir, you practise, you do.
Rasputin: Really?
Bartok: Sir, is this the face up of a bat who would prevarication to you? [puts on a cute face] Come up on, for a infinitesimal, yous had your onetime spark dorsum!
Rasputin: If just I hadn't lost that gift from the nighttime forces... the key to my powers...!
Bartok: What, you mean this reliquary?
Rasputin: [gasps] Where did you get that?
Bartok: Oh, I establish it--
Rasputin: [Rasputin grabs his reliquary and his hand] GIVE IT TO ME!
Bartok: Alright, alright! Don't get so grabby!
Rasputin: [screws his paw back on] My old friend! Together again! [laughs] At present my night purpose volition be fulfilled! And the final of the Romanovs will Die!!

[The post-obit morning, the train, with an engine blowing its whistle, and carrying Dimitri, Anya, Pooka, and Vladmir, chugs through the beautiful snowfall covered Russian countryside, leaving the metropolis of St. petersburg behind. The mighty locomotive is plowing upwards huge furrows of snowfall every bit information technology steams toward its intended destination. Inside the train, Dimitri, Vladmir, Anya, and Pooka are within the railroad vehicle.]
Dimitri: Mutt gets the window seat. (sits next to Anya) End fiddling with that thing, and sit down up directly! Remember, you're a G Duchess.
Anya: How is it that you know what Yard Duchesses exercise or don't practice?
Dimitri: I make it my business to know.
Anya: [sarcastically] Oh.
Dimitri: Look, Anya, I'g just trying to assistance, alright?
Anya: Dimitri, exercise y'all really remember I'thousand royalty?
Dimitri: You know I do.
Anya: And so stop bossing me around!
Vladimir: She certainly has a heed of her own.
Dimitri: Yeah, I detest that in a woman.
[Anya sticks her tongue out at him and quickly turns dorsum to the window before Dimitri see her. Vladmir writes scores in his volume as the train continues onward]

Dimitri: Expect, I retrieve we got off on the wrong foot.
Anya: Well, I think we did too.
Dimitri: Okay.
Anya: But I appreciate your apology.
Dimitri: Apology? Who said anything virtually an apology? I was just saying that we--
Anya: Please, just don't talk anymore, okay? Information technology's simply gonna upset me.
Dimitri: Fine, I'll be quiet. I'll exist quiet if yous will.
Anya: Alright, I'll be quiet.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anya: Fine.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anya: Fine. [subsequently a interruption] Y'all recollect you're gonna miss it?
Dimitri: Miss what, your talking?
Anya: No! Russia.
Dimitri: Nope.
Anya: Merely information technology was your dwelling.
Dimitri: It was a identify I once lived. Cease of story.
Anya: Well, and so you must program on making Paris your true home.
Dimitri: What is it with y'all and homes?!
Anya: Well, for one affair it'south something that every normal person wants, and for another thing, it's a matter where you--
Dimitri: What?
Anya: Oh, merely forget it!
Dimitri: Fine!
[Vladimir enters the compartment]
Anya: Thank goodness it'southward you! Just, please, remove him from my sight!
Vladimir: [to Dimitri] What take y'all done to her?
Dimitri: Me? Information technology'south her!
Anya: Ha! [leaves]
Vladimir: [to Pooka] Oh, no! An unspoken attraction?
Dimitri: [gasps] "Allure?!" For that skinny picayune brat?!! Accept you lost your mind? [storms out]
Vladimir: I was only asking a simple question.
Dimitri: "Allure?" Ridiculous.
[Meanwhile, crashing through breakable limbs, as they navigate their way toward the train and the suspecting travelers, Rasputin's minions take hold of up with the train, and every bit they rocket beneath the train and the engine, Rasputin's green minions exit a wake of flames on the tracks behind them. The minions, now tiny little dark-green demons, crawl all over the train engine and enters its boiler, and when it starts to overheat, the engine glows reddish, speeds upward, and rattles as if it is most to autumn autonomously.]

Vladimir: [has just discovered that their passports are outdated] Information technology'south what I hate about this government. Everything'due south in carmine.
Dimitri: Red?!
Vladimir: I propose we move to the baggage car, quickly, before the guards come.
Dimitri: I suggest we get off this train.

Dimitri: [tries to wake Anya upwards from sleeping] Hey.
Anya: [slugs him] Ugh!
Dimitri: [falls-backwards into the opposite seat holding his nose] Ow!
Anya: [rises upward shocked, apologizing] Sorry, I thought you were some... [finally realizing she hits Dimitri] Oh! It's you. Well, that's okay then. [starts to lie dorsum down]
Dimitri: [grabs Anya hand, pulling her from the bench seat toward the compartment door] C'mon, we gotta get!
Anya: Where are we going?
[Vladimir heads down the corridor equally Dimitri, Anya and Pooka get out the compartment]
Dimitri: I think you lot broke my nose!
Anya: [puts her coat on, exasperated] Men are such babies.

[An explosion caused past Rasputin'due south minions has just separated the runaway locomotive and the baggage car from the dining motorcar and coaches afterward they overheat the engine]
Dimitri: What was that?
Vladimir: I don't know! Just there goes the dining automobile!

Vladimir: [goes to the front end window and peers at the engine and sees sparks raining downward] Uh, Dimitri?
Dimitri: What?
Vladimir: I think someone has flambĂŠed our engine! [Anya and Dimitri motility forwards and see that the engine is blowing fume and fire]
Dimitri: [starts for the possessed locomotive's coal tender to observe] Something's not right. [climbs up the ladder on the engine'south tender] Wait here, I'll check it out. [climbs on top, goes over the tender, and goes inside the engine room, just to discover no one driving the burning railroad train engine]

Anya: Nosotros're going mode also fast!
Dimitri: [comes back from the red hot glowing locomotive in a hurry] Nobody's driving this train! Nosotros're gonna take to jump!
Anya: Did y'all say "jump?!" [Dimitri opens the side door revealing that they are moving beyond a bridge] After you!
Dimitri: Fine, then we'll uncouple the motorcar.

[Dimitri, Anya, Vlad, and Pooka are in the runaway train car afterwards the called-for engine and can't break it]
Dimitri: Don't worry, we've got plenty of track. We'll just coast to a stop.
[A big boom is heard and the gang falls downwards. They become dorsum upwardly and gasp in horror as they observe a bridge loaded with dynamite ahead has just been destroyed.]
Anya: Y'all were saying?

Dimitri: [grabs a chain belongings downwardly some cargo] I got an thought Vlad, give me a hand with this.
[Vladimir looses his residuum and falls into a box]
Dimitri: [Dimitri edges his way out of the car. The ground whizzes by beneath him as he lowers himself underneath the baggage machine] Hand me the chain! [reaches up and is stunned to see Anya hanging out over him with the chain] Not you!
Anya: Vlad's busy at the moment.
[Dimitri accepts the chain, from Anya and hooks it onto the undercarriage. CRUNCH sound. Dimitri's POV: Twisted steel from the front end of the train flies back at him similar shrapnel. With Anya's help he yanks himself upwards just as the shrapnel whips by, shattering a tree. They country in near embrace, and catch their breath. Their optics come across, stirring some distant feeling. Dimitri snaps out of it get-go, glancing back to the shattered tree receding in the distance]
Anya: And to remember, that could have been you.
Dimitri: If nosotros alive through this, remind me to cheers.
[The engine and the baggage auto are in collision class with the broken bridge]
Dimitri: Here goes goose egg. Brace yourselves. (the chain gets caught on the tracks and pulls the baggage car around, sliding after the runaway engine)
Anya: Well, in that location is our cease. [She, Dimitri, Pooka, and Vlad all jump off the baggage auto, screaming, and non a moment too before long, as they land in the snow safely. The overheated train engine and the ruined baggage car both plunge off the broken span, crash, and ignite into fireballs with an enormous explosion when they striking the bottom]
Dimitri: I hate trains. Remind me never to get on the train again.

[Rasputin is screaming and throwing a temper tantrum over an unsuccessful attempted murder of Anya. Equally he does and then, his thumb pops off]
Bartok: Uh, wow. Take it piece of cake there. You know, sir, really yous should watch your blood pressure. My nephew Izzy only keeled over ane day, mid-mango. Stress - it'due south a killer, sir. And he'south a fruit bat. No meat. No blood, even. [screws Rasputin's pollex back on to his hand]
Rasputin: How could they let her escape?!
Bartok: Eh, y'all're correct, it's very upsetting, sir. I guess this reliquary'south broken. [tosses the reliquary aside]
Rasputin: You IDIOT! [stretches out his paw and catches it before information technology can hit the basis, then glares at Bartok]
Bartok: Alright at present, sir, take it easy there. Merely recall what I said to you about stress.
Rasputin: I sold my soul for this. [grabs Bartok] My life, my very beingness, depends on it. And you... [chuckles, then turns angry] virtually destroyed it! [slams Bartok nose-starting time against the reliquary]
Bartok: I go it, I get it! Y'all intermission it, you bought it!
Rasputin: Come across that you think, you miserable rodent! [throws Bartok back across the room]
Bartok: Oh sure, blame the bat. What the heck? We're easy targets.
Rasputin: What are you muttering about?
Bartok: Anastasia, sir. But wishing I could do the job for you, sir. I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA! So a OUU-WA! And I'd kicking her, sir.
Rasputin: Oooooh! I have something else in heed. Something more enticing. Something...actually...cruel. [he scratches the reliquary with his finger nail equally he grins evilly]

[Vladimir excitedly lets it slip that he, Anya and Dimitri are actually going to run into the Dowager'south cousin, Sophie]
Anya: But... I idea we were going to encounter the Empress herself. Why are we going to see her cousin? [to Dimitri, who tries to walk away] Dimitri?
Dimitri: [defeated] Well... nobody gets near the Dowager Empress without convincing Sophie first.
Anya: Oh, no. Non me. No, no! Nobody ever told me I had to Testify I was the Grand Duchess!
Dimitri: Look, I--
Anya: Testify up? Yes. Look nice? Fine. Just lie?
Dimitri: You don't know it'south a lie. What if it's true? [Anya walks abroad but Dimitri stops her] Okay, so y'all are 1 step closer to finding out who you lot really are. I but thought that you would have to encounter to it through to the end no matter what.
Anya: But, expect at me, Dimitri. I do not exactly expect "One thousand Duchess" material hither!

Vladimir: Next, nosotros memorize the names of the royalty. At present here we take Kropotkin.
Dimitri: Shot Potemkin.
Vladimir: In the Bodkin.
Anya: Oh!
Vladimir: And dear old Uncle Vanya loved his vodka
Dimitri: Got it Anya?
Anya: No!
Vladimir: The Baron Pushkin
Anya: He was...?
Dimitri: Short!
Vladimir: Count Anatoly
Anya: Had a...?
Dimitri: Wart!
Vladimir: Count Sergei
Dimitri: Wore a feathered lid.
Vladimir: I hear he'southward gotten very fat.
Anya: And I recall his yellow true cat!
Vladimir: (...) I don't believe we told her that...

Dimitri: Here, I brought you a dress.
Anya: [Giggles] You lot brought me a...tent. [Looks inside]
Dimitri: [Does the same] What are yous looking for?
Anya: The Russian Circus! I think it'south all the same in here!

[Dimitri is dancing with Anya]
Dimitri: That uh... dress is really beautiful.
Anya: Practice y'all call up and so?
Dimitri: Aye. I hateful information technology was nice in the hangar, but information technology looks even ameliorate on you. Y'all sh--You should vesture it.
Anya: I am wearing information technology.
Dimitri: [embarrassed] Oh, right. correct, of are. I'thousand just trying to give you lot
Anya: Compliment?
Dimitri: Of form, yeah.

[Dimitri rescues Anya from falling off the ship while she was sleepwalking]
Dimitri: Anya! Anya, Anya, wake up! WAKE UP!
Anya: [wakes upwardly; panting and frightened] The Romanov Curse!
Dimitri: [confused] The Romanov what?
Anya: Curse!
Dimitri: What-- What are you talking about?
Anya: [places her head on Dimitri's chest, hugging him and crying] I keep seeing faces; so many faces!
Dimitri: [surprised that Anya's hugging him, he hugs her back; calmly] It... was a nightmare. It'southward alright. You're safety now.

[Vladimir nervously wanders around while Dimitri is sitting down and discovers who Anya really is]
Dimitri: We don't have annihilation to be nervous almost. [sadly] She's the princess.
Vladimir: [sits down] I know, I know.
Dimitri: No, no. No, yous don't know. I was the boy in the palace. The one who opened the wall. She'due south the real thing, Vlad.
Vladimir: [break] That means our Anya has found her family. We take plant the heir to the Russian throne! And yous...
Dimitri: Will walk out of her life forever.
Vladimir: Only...
Dimitri: Princesses don't marry kitchen boys.
Vladimir: I know! But...
Dimitri: We're going to go through with this as if naught's changed.
Vladimir: Y'all have GOT to tell her.
Anya: Tell me what?
[Vladimir and Dimitri plough around to see her and are both stunned at her cute appearance]
Dimitri: [stammering] Um...Uh, how... [regains composure] How beautiful yous look.
Anya: Well, cheers.
[Dimitri walks upward with Anya and Vladimir sees Sophie and bows]

[Anya and Dimitri leave the opera box and arrive at the Dowager'due south box room then she can exist appear]
Dimitri: [arrives at the Dowager's box room with Anya] Wait here for just a moment. I'll go in and denote you properly.
[He goes to the door, but Anya stops him beginning]
Anya: Dimitri?
Dimitri: Yes?
Anya: [nervous] Await, we've been through a lot together.
Dimitri: [excited] Uh-huh.
Anya: [really nervous] And I but wanted to--
Dimitri: [actually excited] Yep?
Anya: Well-- [loses it] Thanks, I approximate. Yep, thank you lot for everything.
[Dimitri turns effectually, disappointed, and heads for the door and Anya goes the other way]
Dimitri: [turns around; nervous] Anya, I--
Anya: [excited] Yes?
Dimitri: [really nervous] I'thou...I...Um--
Anya: [really excited] Yes?
Dimitri: [also loses it] I but wanted to wish you good luck, I gauge.
[Dimitri shakes Anya's hand]
Anya: [disappointed] Oh.
Dimitri: Well here goes.
[Dimitri walks into the Dowager's box. He enters Dowager's box and approaches Sophie]
Dimitri: Please inform her majesty, The Dowanger Empress, that I have found her granddaughter... [Anya listens to Dimitri from the other side of the door] ...the M Duchess Anastasia. She'south waiting to see her just exterior the door.
Sophie: I'm very sorry young man, simply the Dowanger Empress, she will encounter no one.
[Overhearing this, Marie turns to Dimitri very stern]
Dowager Empress Marie: You may tell that impertinent young man that I have seen enough M Duchess Anastasias to concluding me a lifetime.
[Sophie has second thoughts to have Dimitri to exit]
Sophie: Um, you lot meliorate go.
Dimitri: [nervous] Please, permit me just...
Dowager Empress Marie: Now if you'll alibi me, I wish to live the remainder of my lonely life in peace.
Sophie: Come up, I'll see you to the door. Come, come now, come up to the door.
[Dimitri ducks through the drape subsequently Sophie closes information technology and sits himself down in a chair next to Marie]
Dimitri: Your Majesty, I intend you no harm. My proper noun is Dimitri. I used to work in the palace.
Dowager Empress Marie: [sarcastically] Well, that is ane I haven't heard, I must say.
[She starts to walk away, but Dimitri walks later on her]
Dimitri: Wait! Don't go, please! [gets in her way] If you'll just hear me out--
Dowager Empress Marie: [snaps] I know what you're after. I've seen it before; men who train young women in the royal means. [rings a bell]
Dimitri: But if Your Highness will just listen--
Dowager Empress Marie: Haven't you been listening? I've had enough! [Anya listens to the chat closer] I don't intendance how much you have fashioned this girl to look like her, audio like her, or act like her. In the end, information technology never is her.
Dimitri: But this time information technology is her.
Dowager Empress Marie: [remembering] Dimitri... I've heard of you. Yous're that conman from St. petersburg, who was holding auditions to discover an Anastasia look-alike.
[Anya gasps after hearing this]
Dimitri: But, your Grace, we came all the way from Russia just to run into--
Dowager Empress Marie: And others take come from Timbuktu.
Dimitri: No, it's non--Information technology'southward not that. It's non what yous recollect.
[He tries to take her hands in pity, merely she angrily stands upwards]
Dowager Empress Marie: How much pain volition you inflict on an old woman for money? [Anya becomes shocked and horrified as she discovers who Dimitri really is and the guards get in to kick Dimitri out] Remove him at once!
Dimitri: [struggling with the guards] But she is Anastasia, I'm telling you! She'south the Grand Duchess! If yous just speak with her, and you lot'll Come across!
[Dimitri gets kicked out of the Dowager'southward box and looks at Anya, who overheard his argument with her and she confronts him later hearing who Dimitri really is]
Anya: It was all a lie, wasn't it?
Dimitri: [gets upwards and tries to reason with Anya] No, no.
Anya: You used me? I was merely part of your con to get her money?
Dimitri: [trying to regain composure] NO! No, no, no. [Anya walks away, and he follows and stops her] Expect, it may have started out that manner, but everything's different now. Considering you lot really are Anastasia. You lot are!
[Anya becomes really angry]
Anya: Stop it! [shoves him] From the very beginning, you LIED! [shoves him again] And I not just believed yous, I actually-- OH!
[She walks away once more, but Dimitri follows and stops her]
Dimitri: Anya, delight! When yous spoke of the subconscious door in the wall opening, and the little boy-- Listen to me. That was--
[The chat is cutting short as Anya refuses to heed]
Anya: NO!! I don't wanna hear nearly annihilation that I said or remembered. YOU JUST Exit ME Lone!
[She tries to walk away, merely Dimitri grabs her arm and she slaps him. She then storms off. Dimitri tries to chase after her, but fails as he is blocked by a oversupply]
Dimitri: [shouting] ANYA, PLEASE! Y'all HAVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH!

[Dimitri sneaks into the car containing Empress Marie and drives in a fast pace to Sophie's residence]
Dowager Empress Marie: Ilya, slow downward.
Dimitri: [reveals himself] I am not Ilya. And I won't wearisome down. Not until you mind.
Dowager Empress Marie: [gasps] You! How dare you?! Stop this machine immediately! [bangs the flooring of the automobile with her cane through her last words]!!
[They get in at Sophie's residence; Dimitri gets out of the auto and opens Marie'south door]
Dimitri: You HAVE... to TALK to her. Just Expect at her, PLEASE!
Dowager Empress Marie: I won't exist badgered by you a moment longer.
Dimitri: [shows her Anastasia'due south music box] Do you recognize this?
Dowager Empress Marie: [gasps] Where did y'all get this?
Dimitri: I know you've been hurt, merely information technology's merely possible she's been as lost and alone equally you.
Dowager Empress Marie: You'll end at nothing, volition you?
Dimitri: I'k probably nigh equally stubborn equally you are.

[Anya was packing to go out Paris when she hears the door knock]

Anya: Get away, Dimitri.
[The door opens and Dowager Empress Marie comes in]
Anya: [finally turns around and noticed Dowager Empress Marie] Oh, I'thou deplorable. I... I thought you were...
Dowager Empress Marie: I know very well who you thought I was. Who exactly are you?
Anya: Eh...I ...I was hoping y'all could tell me.
Dowager Empress Marie: [sighs] My dear, I'm old and I'm tired of beingness conned and tricked.
Anya: I don't desire to play a trick on y'all.
Dowager Empress Marie: And I suppose the money doesn't interest you either?
Anya: I just want to know who I am whether or not I belong to a family, your family unit.
Dowager Empress Marie: You're a very proficient actress. The best yet, in fact. Only I've had plenty. [starts to leave]
Anya: [later on smelling a scent] Peppermint?
Dowager Empress Marie: [holds her steps, however suspicious] An oil for my hands.
Anya: Yes. I spilled a bottle. The carpeting was soaked and it forever smelled of peppermint. Like you. I used to lie there on that rug and, oh, how I missed you when yous went away. When you came here, to Paris.
[Dowager Empress Marie notices Anya, playing with a primal effectually her neck]
Dowager Empress Marie: [pointing to the key] What is that?
Anya: [holding the key] This? Well, I've ever had it... Always since earlier I can remember.
Dowager Empress Marie: [holding out her manus] May I? [Anya takes off the fundamental and easily it to her] It was our hugger-mugger. My Anastasia's and mine. [takes the music box from her bag.]
Anya: The music box. [takes the music box from Dowager Empress Marie] To sing me to slumber when you were in Paris. [Takes the fundamental and begins humming the lullaby. The the music box begins to play and Anya starts to sing the lullaby and Dowager Empress Marie joins in to the end]
Dowager Empress Marie: [with cracking voice] Oh Anastasia! My Anastasia!
[Anya and Marie throw their arms around each other in an emotional encompass while Dimitri is on the street looking up at the window every bit he blows a kiss and he sadly walks away.]

Rasputin: Bartok! Go me a comb! Find some cologne! I desire to wait my best this night!
Bartok: That might have some piece of work, sir.
Rasputin: Then snap to it! Nosotros're going to a party!
Bartok: [excited] Oh, male child! A party in Paris! I can teach you all the latest dance moves! It starts with a woo! And then, then you lot get really crazy with the hips, sir. Information technology's fun!
Rasputin: Nosotros'll let the Grand Duchess, Anastasia have her moment!
Bartok: Who cares?
Rasputin: And then we'll kill her!
Bartok: Right and then we'll... [suddenly realizes what Rasputin's talking about] Kill her?! What happened to the party thought?
Rasputin: That's where I will kill her! Crush her at the top of her glory!
Bartok: And we're dorsum to the crushing. Sir, I am begging you, please, PLEASE, forget the daughter and become a life!
Rasputin: Oh, I'll get a life, Bartok! HERS!! [laughs maniacally]

Dimitri: [bows earlier the Dowager] Y'all sent for me, your Grace?
Dowager Empress Marie: Ten meg rubles, as promised, with my gratitude.
Dimitri: I accept your gratitude, your Highness, but I-- I don't want your money.
Dowager Empress Marie: What do you want, then?
Dimitri: Unfortunately, zilch y'all tin requite. [bows and starts to walk out]
Dowager Empress Marie: Beau... [Dimitri halts] Where did y'all get that music box? [Dimitri is speechless] You lot were the boy, weren't you - the servant male child who got us out? Yous saved her life and mine, and then yous restored her to me. Yet you want no advantage.
Dimitri: Not anymore.
Dowager Empress Marie: Why the alter of mind?
Dimitri: Information technology was more a modify of heart. I must become. [bows one terminal fourth dimension and leaves]

Dowager Empress Marie: [most Dimitri] My darling... He didn't take the money.
Anya: [surprised] He didn't?

Rasputin: [has Anya trapped in the falling droppings of the span] Say your prayers, Anastasia! No 1 can save you lot!
Dimitri: [appears from nowhere] WANNA BET?! [punches Rasputin and dives to save Anya]
Anya: Dimitri! If we alive through this, remind me to thank--
Dimitri: You can give thanks me later on.

[After Rasputin is destroyed, Anya checks on Dimitri, who was struck in the caput by a rock]
Anya: Dimitri? [He doesn't motion or open his eyes, and Anya looks abroad and starts to cry; Her dog, Pooka, howls in despair; Suddenly, Dimitri moves his arm and gets up; Anya gasps and quickly turns, accidentally hit him in the face]
Dimitri: Ouch!
Anya: DIMITRI! [She happily hugs him]
Dimitri: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Allow go, let go!
Anya: Sorry.
Dimitri: Yeah, I know, I know. "All men are babies." [groans]
Anya: I idea you were going to St. Pete--
Dimitri: I was.
Anya: Y'all didn't take the--
Dimitri: I couldn't.
Anya: Why?
Dimitri: Because, I-- [Anya puts her fingers on his lips, quieting him and they lean in for a kiss, but Pooka barks and hands them Anya'due south tiara; He takes it] Oh. [They both go upwardly] They're waiting for you.
[Anya takes the tiara and looks at Dimitri as she finally discovers the truth]

Sophie: [She and Dowager Empress Marie just finished reading Anya's farewell letter] They've eloped! Isn't it romantic? It's a perfect catastrophe.
Dowager Empress Marie: No, it's a perfect starting time.

Bandage [edit]

  • Meg Ryan — Anastasia (voice)
  • John Cusack — Dimitri (vocalization)
  • Kelsey Grammer — Vladimir (vox)
  • Christopher Lloyd — Rasputin (voice)
  • Hank Azaria — Bartok (voice)
  • Bernadette Peters — Sophie (voice)
  • Angela Lansbury — Dowager Empress Marie Fyodorovna (vocalism)

External links [edit]


  • Anastasia quotes at the Internet Moving-picture show Database
  • Anastasia at Rotten Tomatoes
  • The official Anastasia site


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