Board of Supervisors

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is guided by a volunteer board of local landowners - three elected and two appointed supervisors - who each serve overlapping three year terms. The District also is advised by non-voting associate supervisors appointed by the Board to expand the pool of knowledge, interest, and volunteer assistance for District programs and projects.

Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of most months at 9:00am and during the pandemic shut down meet online or at an outside location weather permitting.

The meetings are open to the public.

Supervisor Elections

Elections are held every year in November.

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District, whose mission is to provide assistance to the community in conservation of land and water resources, has one opening on its five-member Board of Supervisors. The volunteer board, which is responsible for guiding the District's business affairs and operations, comprises three elected and two appointed supervisors, who each serve overlapping three-year terms. This year we are seeking nominations for one elected position.

Anyone interested in 1) running for the office of supervisor, or 2) voting in the election must be a registered voter within the boundaries of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). Candidates need have only an interest in conservation and a willingness, at a minimum, to participate in a monthly board meeting at the District office. To run for an elected position, a candidate must submit a nomination paper signed by 25 Knox or Lincoln county residents.

In addition, the SWCD Board welcomes Associate Supervisors, non-voting members appointed by the Board, who may have an interest in the general activities of the District or a specific area of interest or expertise to share.

Nomination form and ballots may be obtained by contacting the District office. The completed election document must be received at the District office by noon on October 19,2021, after which candidates will be posted on our website, Ballots must be received at the District office no later than 9:00 am on November 17, 2021 and will be counted at the Board meeting scheduled for Nov. 17th from 9:00 am to noon; public are welcome to attend.

To receive nomination papers or a ballot, or for more information, contact Election Superintendent at 893 West Street (Route 90) in Rockport, 596-2040 or

To receive a nomination petition or a ballot, to be considered for an appointed position, or for more information about becoming a supervisor or associate supervisor, contact Election Superintendent Julie Sells at 893 West Street (Route 90) in Rockport, 596-2040

District Supervisor Election

Mark F. Hedrich is running for re-election unopposed.

 To receive a ballot, or for more information, contact Election Superintendent at 893 West Street (Route 90) in Rockport, 596-2040 or

Ballots must be received by 9 am on Nov. 17, 2021 to be tallied at the Board Meeting scheduled for 9:00 am that day. Results posted on our website.

Board of Supervisors

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is guided by a volunteer board of local landowners - three elected and two appointed supervisors - who each serve overlapping, three-year terms. Supervisors are registered resident voters of Knox or Lincoln counties and are responsible for guiding the District's business affairs and operations. Elected and appointed supervisors, along with non-elected associate supervisors, oversee technical assistance projects; education, outreach, and conservation programs; and set priorities for District employees at regular monthly meetings.

A general election - open to all registered voters residing in Knox and Lincoln counties - is held each fall to fill the vacancy for the elected supervisor whose term is expiring.

Requirements for Supervisors

Anyone interested in running for the office of supervisor or voting in the election must be a resident registered voter within the boundaries of the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). Candidates need have only an interest in conservation and a willingness, at a minimum, to participate in a monthly board meeting at the District office at 893 West St in Rockport. To run for an elected position, a candidate must submit a short biography and a nomination petition signed by 25 Knox and/or Lincoln county residents.

For appointed positions, the Knox-Lincoln SWCD Board of Supervisors submits up to three names of interested individuals to the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, which chooses the appointee.

Non-Voting Associate Supervisors

In addition, the SWCD Board welcomes Associate Supervisors, non-voting members appointed by the Board, who may have an interest in the general activities of the District or a specific area of interest or expertise to share. No election is required for these positions.

Members of the Board

Mark F. Hedrich (Chair) has been an elected Supervisor since 1986. Mark and his wife, Linda Rose, own Agricola Farms, a diversified 117 acre farm in Union, where they raise forage crops, flowers, bedding plants, and vegetables, in addition to operating Agricola Farms County Store and a Gallagher Power Fence dealership. Mark graduated from the UMaine at Orono with a B.S. in Animal and Veterinary Sciences and received an M.S. from Cornell University, specializing in ruminant nutrition. Formerly, he was a planner and administrator at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, New York, a dairy farmer, and has served on numerous regional and local committees. He was a member of the Executive Board of the Maine Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) for 8 years, serving as President for two years. Subsequently, he was a member of the MACD Advisory Council and served as Councilman to the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), traveling extensively throughout the U.S. representing Maine. Mark also was active with the Farm Service Agency County Committee for 21 years, serving as Chairman for 10 years. Currently, Mark is the State Nutrient Management Program Coordinator for the Maine Department of Agriculture.

Mark F. Hedrich (Chair)

Diane Schivera (Vice-Chair)

Diane Schivera (Vice-Chair) has worked as MOFGA's livestock specialist since 1998. The position brings information to all farmers and homesteaders interested in primarily organic practices. In collaboration with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, NRCS, and farmers, she was instrumental in starting Maine Grass Farmers Network, which works to educate farmers on pasture improvement and hay management to make the fields and farms more resilient. Diane also has a small farm/homestead in Appleton that includes various livestock, vegetable and pasture fields, an orchard and wood lot - all of which aim for sustainable practices.

Jeff Tarbox (Treasurer & Secretary)

Jeff Tarbox (Treasurer & Secretary) is the seventh generation to live on the Tarbox family property on Westport Island, Covelly Farm. The Farm today is primarily managed forest land, in tree growth, and Jeff has taken over active management from his father. Jeff also leases 20 acres of fields to a MOFGA-certified mixed vegetable organic operation, Tarbox Farm, and supports their expansion of farming acreage and the implementation of NRCS-supported high tunnels and irrigation, as well as the soon to be opened Sasanoa Brewing Company. Jeff brings to the board his decades of experience working in project management, finance and consulting for General Dynamics, Computer Sciences, and Deloitte Consulting.

Sharon G. Chadwick (Supervisor)

Sharon G. Chadwick (Supervisor) lives with her husband, Gerald, and daughter Shelby at BenEva Farm in Warren, which was started more than 65 years ago by her grandparents, Ben and Eva Barbour. Sharon and Jerry "came home" to run the farm with Sharon's grandparents in 1988 and still operate as a conservation farm, raising commercial Black Angus beef for the freezer and feedlots, and selling hay. They expanded nutrient and pasture management practices with a manure storage facility, a heavy use pad area, and, recently, a livestock barn. In addition, Sharon is a retired laboratory researcher at Lonza BioScience in Rockland and Jerry worked for the Nobleboro Sanitation Department. Sharon looks forward each year to judging the Annual Poster Contest and helping out at the Conservation Fair and Plant Sale.

Nancy Prisk (Supervisor)

Nancy Prisk (Supervisor) lives on Southport Island and serves her community as a member of the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission (for about 5 years) and as a member of that Executive Committee for about 3 years. In 2015, Nancy co-founded a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Land for Southport's Future. This organization is working within our community to preserve open land and natural habitats, in addition to public access to our shoreline, for our generation and all who follow. Several years ago, Nancy founded and now serves as the chairperson for the Southport Island Community Broadband Initiative. They have received a planning grant from the Island Institute and are actively moving forward with the intention to build a Fiber to the Home network to equally provide all island residents with affordable high-speed Internet service. Nancy is a nontraditional student at the University of Maine, Orono, engaged in studies towards an Interdisciplinary Masters in Land Use, Community Engagement and Native Studies.

Associate Supervisors

Barrie Brusila - Mid-Maine Forestry, Warren

Karin Rector - Camden

Honorary Lifetime Members of Board

Robert W. Spearreceived Knox-Lincoln's Honorary Lifetime Membership Award in 2005. Bob served as an Associate Supervisor of Knox-Lincoln SWCD for 8 years and a Supervisor for 20 years, and was Maine's Commissioner of Agriculture from 1999-2005. His expertise and dedication are greatly appreciated by all who share his values of agriculture and conservation. Bob is generous with his time and talents, representing Maine across the US to ensure continuing accomplishments in resource conservation. Bob and his wife, Janet, reside in Nobleboro where they operate Spear's Vegetable Farm with their sons and grandchildren.

Barry J. Tibbetts - Whitefield

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and provider.