What Is Inhalation Solution Used for

Nicotrol Inhaler(Inhalation) Reviews

12 people have reviewed this drug


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5 Stars


Rated for Nicotine Withdrawal Report

this form of medicine to stop smoking has been very helpful for me. I need to keep my hand and mouth busy so to be able to hold and puff on it is so close to smoking. its been 2 weeks since i have smoked and i am very hopeful this is the answer to my lungs being healthy again. I've smoked for 38 years so this will not be easy no matter what.


5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Easy and painless It worked faster than expected. In 3 months I was completely smoke-free. (after smoking a pack a day for 20 years.) I have never been tempted to smoke another cigarette during the last 8 years that I have been cigarette-free! I actually find it extremely offensive to be anywhere near a smoker! My husband used the product and successfully quit with me in even less time.


5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Saved me several times It works it has saved me from having a cig many times. When I drive, I can use it instead of a cigarette. I can still take my smoke breaks at work without feeling lost and deprived....but use my inhaler instead of smoking. I don't think I could have quit without it. I recommend it 100 percent. nO Side effects, and I;ve used it for 45 days now. I only use 2-3 cartridges a day, which means i'm puffing alot without any nicotine! And that helps me alot too!!!!! I only change the cartridge when I have a big urge. I get it thru my insurance, but I think I would have to pay a lot of money for it if I didn't. I used it with the patch. I am down to the last week of my 7 mg patch. I do NOT use the gum......I was told by Dr. I can only use up to 2 replacements. The patch and inhaler worked for me! Forty Five smoke free days after 35 years of smoking can attest to that.


1.5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Not much help at all Maybe I wasn't really ready to quit, but I found it rather ineffective to say the least. IF you MUST smoke and you're in a place where they don't allow cigarettes, then this helps. Taking a "puff" was more like sucking on a funny tasting air, at least for me. I would rather recommend Committ Lozenges if I had to give someone advice on quitting.


5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

The Best I just started using the "puffer" again. I used them before for a few weeks, but couldn't afford to get more. They were expensive at that time. This time, I payed $20 for a box of 168, whereas last time I payed over $50 for fewer cartridges. I don't remember exactly how many fewer--perhaps half as many. At 6 cartridges a day, which is what I have found works for me, 168 cartridges is a one month supply for $20, compared to $40+ for a two week supply of patches (or compared to $30-$40 for a one week supply of cigarettes). I can't use gum due to TMJD, nor spray due to nasal problems, nor Zyban due to side effects, and I simply can't stand lozenges. So it's either the inhalers or the patches for this guy. Of those two, I like the inhalers best. I can dose to my required nicotine level, unlike with patches where I tend to get overdosed for the first few hours then underdosed the rest of the time. The fact that I have something in my hands and am satisfying the oral fixation really helps, too. With the patch I am still craving cigarettes from day one. Not so with the "puffer." I can even handle being around people who are smoking if need be. Side effects are minimal to non-existent. I have suffered no throat or mouth irritation, though some people might. I think a few weeks of the inhalers followed by tapering with the step 2 and 3 patches to break the finger/mouth habit, might work well for some people. Others may be able to taper directly off the inhalers. They may not be for everyone, but for me they are a Godsend. And the price reduction clinches the deal, since I am on disability income and my insurance doesn't cover stop smoking aids.


4.5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

finally something helps I have tried cold turkey several times, the gum, the patch, Wellbutrin, and this inhaler is by far the best! You actually have something to hold and inhale and it really helps! This is the longest I have been completely smoke free. However it needs to be used consistently when you first start, not just when you feel like you need it. If you don't use it consistently at first you may have a wig out craving and fall to the temptation. Everyone keep trying and hang in there. This is an excellent help for me and I recommend it highly!!!


4 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Finally quit using the Inhaler and Wellbutrin Tried the cold turkey, patch and gum - but nothing worked. My Doctor put me on Wellbutrin and gave my a script for the Inhaler. Very expensive but filled the hand mouth need well. The first few weeks I also supplemented with a patch too. It took about 4 months, but I finally weeded myself off the Inhaler and then the Wellbutrin. I do keep nicotine gum around for emergencies - even a year later! But I haven't smoked and it has been 14 months. If you are female - be sure to get enough nicotine during certain times of the month when trying to quit - hormones seem to play a big part on cravings! Most people fail because they aren't supplementing with enough nicotine - especially those of us who have smoked that 1-2 packs or more a day. Very expensive - especially since a lot of insurance companies won't cover Wellbutrin for smoking cessation and don't cover the Inhaler at all. Still - eventually (if it works) you'll save on cigarette costs.


5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Former cigar smoker.... I used to smoke the cigars with a plastic tip. The construction is very similar to the Nicatrol mouth piece. The inhaler was easy to use and was effective in helping me kick the habit. The cigars I smoked came 5 to a pack; I would smoke 2 to 3 cigars a day before I quit.


1.5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Not good mimmicking what you are trying to break is not good in my opinion..the only thing that worked for me was staying in bed drinking water and quitting cold turkey. It sucks but its cheap and it goes away fast.


5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

The inhaler: The lesser of two evils I've been on the inhalers for quite a long time. I've tried to get off of them a few times, only to go back to smoking. My doctor finds it less harmful to keep me on the inhaler since I have pretty bad lung damage due to 25 years of smoking. Where I live it can get cold. Since nicotine is an oil and thickens with the cold, I find it helpful to "warm" up the cartridges for faster drug delivery (a hairdryer or car heater works great). I don't know when/if I'll ever get off these inhalers but I do know that I have NOT had pneumonia since I started using them (had it 7 times while I was smoking cigarettes). The only drawback I find it that I'm sometimes embarrassed to use it in public or social situations. People have made comments that it looks like I'm puffing on a tampon! One time in a bar the waitress thought I was smoking a crack pipe at my table!!!! In those cases were I'm uncomfortable using the inhaler, I use the nicorette lozenges which are effective at delivering the needed nicotine but don't satisfy the hand/mouth ritual. All in all, I think the inhalers are a godsend for those who wish to quit smoking. I have recommended the inhaler to EVERYONE I know who wants to quit smoking. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Most of my family and friends smoke but I don't feel the cravings and the need to smoke if I have the inhalers around.


4.5 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Only a few drags I stopped smoking 17 July 2004 after I was hospitalized for shortness of breath due to a cheast infection. I could not breathe and was put on oxygen for 24 hrs. I swore then I would never have another cigarette again. Fingers crossed it has now been 7 weeks and getting easier. I only used the nicoteen inhaler possibly 2 times a day and not every day and found I only needed to inhale three or four times and I was satisfied. I have not used it for 8 days.


4 Stars


Rated for Smoking - Nicotine dependence Report

Can work if you really want to quit the best thing about nicotrol inhaler is that it satisfies both the oral fixation and hand to mouth habit as well as the nicotine addiction. I should mention that it takes some time to get used to using this because the taste is kinda odd, it's supposed to me minty. it's ok. and also it kinda burns the back of your throat for awhile till you get accustomed to it. despite this, I've started out with taking 15 cartridges a day and have slowly cut down to 10 a day and will continue cutting down as i go. each cartridge lasts about 20 minutes, however i find that im puffing on it for longer than that so it then just becomes a placebo pacifier. but thats okay, it means im getting a little less addicted to nicotine. anyhow, it takes some time to get over the craving to have a real cig and that deep-down sensation in the lungs. on the other hand, smoking is messy and smelly. so, im getting used to this puffer-thing. when i really need a smoke i can just pop a fresh cartridge in and puff away. puff away anywhere, in a restaurant, a library, places i couldn't light a real smoke. i like that too. time will only tell if this works for me, in that, if i can rid myself of the puffer-thing eventually. nevertheless, my insurance company covers this treatment and thus i only have to pay $3.00 for a 168 cartridge box. much less expensive than cigs. they cost about $4.80 a pack where i live. so even if i dont completely kick nicotine i wont have to pay very much for it and my lungs will be happier! -- i recommend


What Is Inhalation Solution Used for

Source: https://reviews.everydayhealth.com/drugs/nicotrol-inhaler

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